"I had to give up journaling because I couldn't stop writing for the people who would read it after I was dead" I've had this exact thought before and never heard it actualized so it gave me full body chills when you said it

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i feel this so deeply and what's more disturbing is that it's hard to differentiate sometimes between whether i consume and promote media for the sake of enjoyment/ growth/ whatever goal is healthy vs. feeling self-actualized and perceived. i send your essays to my friends because they're eloquent and somehow express certain depths i couldn't dream of verbalizing successfully but also because they it makes me feel eloquent and smart by extension. thank you as always!

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i don’t think think i’ve ever related more to something and i find that terrifying. i know this is an essay but truly your words feel like poetry and cut straight to my core

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Ah hi sorry I don't know if you will see this but I just turned 16 and I really look up to you I love all of your work as soon as I can get a job I will subscribe. Your writing is beautiful.

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I have trouble reading so audio essays are great for accessibility! Really enjoyed this and looking forward to what you do next.

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omg this is so good

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Did you get a hold of some of Hunter S. Thompson’s ashes before they shot it out of that cannon or whatever and snort it, because the flow of this writing is effing sublime

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I’ve been rereading this essay because it resonated so much it’s so cool to hear it in audio form !!! thank you :)

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All I have to say to “I’m no Dorothy Parker.” You don’t have to be Dorothy Parker. Just be who you want to be. That’s all I would ask of any writer including you. Either way, I like the way you present your thoughts.

Also, anyone who is a Joan didion fan is someone I can listen and talk to. Just don’t do anything drastic. Just be kind to yourself.

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Speechless. ❤️‍🔥

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Beautifully said. Ive been thinking a lot about chaos and its powers recently. I drift into bouts of chaos sometimes and it feels good, powerful and destructive(?) yet also productive (?). I have a theory that women feel this way more than men and I wonder if that is true and how it appears differently. big generalization, im aware but i gotta start somewhere.

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You have punched the idea of my womanhood in the gut and gave it a hearty squeeze. It was needed, thank you.

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Im going to listen everyday and memorize it. So that it really sticks. Every sentence wS important

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How do u um. Think

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chills chills chills chills. feeling so parasocial in the best way possible as per. ms rayne fq be Scrubbing my brain.

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