my takeaway from this is that black mold spurs innovation

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Who’s afraid of Amber Heard was awesome for me to read because at the time I was the only one in my circle who seemed to see how fucked up the situation was, which was really strange. That essay was the first intelligent analysis of it that I read and it was really nice to see that I wasn’t the only one who thought like I did. Also that Female Characters essay hit me like a truck when I first read it. Personally though your gift idea posts are my favorite

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your writing has truly impacted my life in such a meaningful way. this is embarrassing to admit, but i fangirl over you the same way you used to fangirl over mediocre standup comedians...(long time tiktok follower.) your ‘video essays’ on tiktok were where i first came across you and ever since then i have deeply admired the way you speak-- and now, write. your writing in particular has inspired me to write some of my own pieces and eventually start a substack of my own one day!

so proud of you & your accomplishments! and please don’t ever stop writing :)

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oh my god, i feel about you the same way you feel about her. i cannot wait until you start posting your think pieces!

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so much love for you!!! most special important brain on this website <3

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congrats!! so happy that you're getting the success you very much deserve! :)

my favorite internet princess memory is sending who's afraid of amber heard and standing on the shoulders of complex female characters to my mom while we were talking about our favorite articles/essays. she loved it and said she was glad to see that you had such a large following and that it made her happy to see that our generation still has an interest in this sort of stuff. very cherished moment :)

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spending my important currency: attention, and my slightly less important currency: dollars, on you is the best decision I've made all year

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congrats rayne!! your writing always resonates and teaches me something and always makes me feel a little less crazy and a lot less alone. thanks for all you do <3

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Immensely proud grammie here...

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the internet needs more theoretical smart sad girl hotties. thank you for suffering the blows (because i'm sure there are many) to bring us the truth

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so proud of you! your words, the parts of yourself that you have decided to shared with us, is something so precious, so moving — a simple "thank you" cannot suffice. im constantly rooting for your better, that you continue to accomplish things you never dreamed of but are so, SO deserving of, that the world continues to gift you amazing things, the same way you gift us! you've inspired me greatly to start sharing my own writings and that means a fuck ton! thank you once again!

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loooove the fun facts, and i LOVED the advice column !! would love to see more of that ♥️ u r an incredible writer

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awe sale already expired, it always takes me a while to get to reading your posts but how incredible that youve gotten to here!!! congrats rayne

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This subscription was one of the first things I bought with one of my first paychecks from my very first job and I am so deeply grateful for the chance to undergo my formative years with this wealth of knowledge and perspective available to me, so that I don’t have to spend the rest of my life relearning and reshaping my worldview, for the sole reason that I am intentionally shaping it the first time around. The first content of yours I saw was a tiktok about choosing earnestness as a mode of communication and that resonated super hard and allowed me to have wayy more meaningful communication and connection. So in the least parasocial, putting-other-denizens-of-the-internet-on-a-pedestal-way, thank you, at the very least, thank you for compelling me to look up what zeitgeist means <3

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congrats! your words mean SO much. my favorite thing about writing and the people who do the writing is the ability to make me feel a lot less alone. i'm thankful for your critique, i'm thankful for your labor, and hopefully one day i'll be able to afford your subscription :))

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so so proud of u rayne!! ur writing has impacted me in such a huge way, the essay ‘the pain gap’ really helped me put my own pain and experiences into perspective and ur the reason i’ve managed to get back into writing myself. without u i don’t think i’d be on the path that I am on now.. thank u so much for allowing us all a space to be vulnerable together. never stop sharing ur thoughts with us, u have touched so many lives <3

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My mentee recommended I read you months back. One of the discoveries of the year. "Conscious performance" or not, there's so much truth and candour in every piece. Thanks for sharing what's on your mind.

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